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3 Reasons Gratitude Can Accelerate Your Manifestations

Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 7.19.46 PM1. Gratitude is the Key to More.

Ask any teacher of metaphysics, manifestation or even manipulation and you’ll be told that Gratitude is the key to experiencing more of what you want.

This is true if you are wanting more of a certain quality; Confidence, Freedom, Joy, Success.

And it’s true if you’re wanting to motivate your employees. Expressing your gratitude is like the grease that gets the entire machine moving.

2. Gratitude is the Feeling We All Are Really Seeking Anyway

We think we need some thing, or some experience so that we can feel Gratitude. But it’s actually the other way around.
When we feel Gratitude, the things or experiences are actually being attracted to us (to the extent of our clarity about what we want).

But it’s more than that….

3. Gratitude is the Language of the Universe

If you want to live well, in harmony with the Universe, experiencing more flow and ease, then speak the language of the Universe in which you reside. That’s because the energy of “yes” flows to those who are vibrating at “Gratitude”.

You’ve experienced this, haven’t you? Grumping doesn’t make things go easier. Holding onto grievances doesn’t either. In fact, any thought-feeling that flirts around the energy of “dissatisfied” magnetizes more of what dissatisfies and it does so FAST!

Don’t get me wrong, when those feelings of anger, frustration, even disappointment arise, they may have vital information to get you out of any energetic suck-hole and back into the flow, so no need to fight them.

But processing and returning to Gratitude, while a worthy endeavor if you want to experience living in the flow, is not something most of us learned or know how to do.

Need Help?

Here’s something you can do when you don’t feel grateful, know you’re heading down into a dark hole and feel like you can’t stop yourself.

This comes from the principles of Accelerated Learning, using the idea of “contrasting movement”. If you feel like you’ve woken on the “wrong side of the bed” and can’t get out of your funk, take a few moments to excuse yourself to somewhere private and got further into the funk, just for a few moments.

Really let yourself feel your feelings even more intensely. This doesn’t mean you express your feelings outward into the world, or inwardly against yourself either. You’re just letting the feelings that you may have been trying to resist or logic away, run their course freely…and they will.

Energetically, with the observer part of yourself, take a step back and away as the feelings run through, off and away, like rain water out a gutter or over a falls.

Say to yourself, I see what I don’t want. Then aloud, to yourself say “What I do want to have happen is…”.  Give yourself free rein to see, hear and feel what it is you do want to have happen (but only after you allow the “not want” feelings to run their course).

Be Extra Nice To Yourself

As is appropriate, and you can without abdicating any responsibilities, do something really good for your body, your heart, your self. Take a little walk in nature, listen to some inspiring or upbeat music, spend time with someone who you can be yourself with, eat something super nutritious and delicious, give yourself some extra rest or sleep as you can.

In Keeping with the Theme of Living Gratitude…

I’ll be reaching out to clients this month, thanking them for their dedication to their clients, their families, their businesses and their growth.

I am dedicated to helping entrepreneurs who want to make their businesses an important venue for their own being and becoming of the leader, man/woman, parent, and contributor they are called to.

You’ll be seeing special offers and opportunities to come share in that endeavor all month long. Join me this week for:
3 Keys to Getting What You Want, A Live, Interactive, Q&A-based Webinar; with 10 minutes of presentation and 30 minutes answering any Manifesting Question you have. For clients and my community.
What To Do When You Feel Like You’re a Fraud. A Live, Interactive, Q&A-based Webinar; 30 minute presentation, 10 minute live”Q&A”. This presentation has been a real crowd pleaser locally. People have raved!


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