Work With Me

I work with professionals, leaders, and teams to transform their response to challenging workplace dynamics, persistent “negative” thoughts and emotions, and underlying patterns of Resistance to reach fast, lasting success when it matters most.

After a lifetime of work as a coach and mediator to high-level professionals, leaders, and sales people, I’ve come to know these 3 things for certain:

1. The best strategic solution is temporary at best, if there are unresolved emotional issues and habitual, unproductive patterns of being and doing.

2. Every part is connected to the whole. When one area of your life is transformed, so are all others!

3. Resistance, fears, and  even doubt can be the doorway to the best solutions, forward motion, and innovation.

Our work gets to the root problem of dysfunctional, unsustainable patterns of thinking, being, and doing, so you and your team can finally progress to the next level of results.

Together, we discover the wisdom inherent in you (body, mind, spirit) and your organization (within different divisions and roles) to alleviate patterns of stress, worry, and chaos like never before.

Many happy clients share their biggest surprise-

“I never expected this work to be so fun.”

That’s right, finding a solution to break through your biggest mental and emotional challenges- and most challenging relationships- does not have to be scary, or hard. You may feel happier than you have felt in years, and remember exactly why you started your work in the first place.

If you’d like to explore how working together might change your results, schedule a free ‘Let’s Get to Know One Another‘ call with me via the link below.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Deborah signature
Danielle Louise Ross

“Deborah is a business life saver! After many years as an entrepreneur and honing my craft, I found myself at a troubling plateau. I just couldn’t get past a certain point financially until my clients and income actually started backsliding. I felt like I was letting down my team and I started waking up every day with a feeling of dread and overwhelm…until I found Deborah.

Deborah’s coaching quickly and powerfully helped me to turn EVERYTHING around and create the business I had always wanted. Now, my coaching roster is booked solid and I have raving fans traveling from across the country to work with me and attend my events. Best of all, I evolved into a confident leader and know I can handle anything.”

Danielle Louise Ross
Speaking Coach & Entrepreneur

Coaching FAQs

How is coaching with you different from going to a counselor?

I find my clients are less interested in “why” they are experiencing what they are (though they may discovered that information as well) and “what” they can begin doing right away to move in the direction of what they want to experience.

Can I connect with you between sessions if I need to?

Of course; you may always email me. I do my best to answer emails within 24 hours if I am not traveling. For quick questions (such as scheduling) you may text me, or call. Again I answer these as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours.

How do I decide how often to coach?

It is best to schedule a 30 minute (no charge) assessment to look at your personal situation, what you want to achieve and how fast you want to achieve it to help in the decision of how often and how long to meet with me.

What if I can’t make it to a session? May I reschedule?

I will reschedule appointments once, if I am notified at least 48 hours in advance. These reschedules are subject to my availability.  Missed appointments can not be rescheduled or refunded.

What if coaching so often is too much?

Sometimes, due to work/family responsibilities or a person’s learning style, it does make sense to agree to a tailored coaching schedule that spaces one-on-one coaching closer or further apart.

What if coaching that long is too much?

What I have found, studying the transformation process is that it’s never a question of coaching too long, but if one coaches for too brief of a time, the changes they desire; both on the inside and the outer results they want, won’t “stick” and they’ll slide back to where they were. Remember, The Resistance Cycle is lurking ready to pounce and push you back to who you were and what you had.

This is why, ideally, I recommend coaching for at least 90 days, though longer does result in an easier, more pronounced, and longer-lasting result.

How do I schedule? How do I pay for my sessions?

I accept major credit cards (including American Express), PayPal, and checks. Sessions must be paid for at the time of booking to confirm the appointment. You may contact me to book, or book yourself using this link to my convenient Paperbell System. 

Do you offer a discount if I purchase a block of session up front?

I do offer a number of packages and bundles that offer significant savings over purchasing sessions individually. This serves two purposes. It makes it more affordable to get the care and support you are wanting, and it helps you get the support you need to make your changes stick, long-term.

Still Have Questions?

What People Are Saying

“I'm getting what I want so fast and easily now. Deborah helped me learn how to maintain a sense of well-being in myself so I no longer have to live with stress and worry.”
Martye Kendrick
Attorney, Houston
“Deborah, thanks to you and our coaching, I just had my best month ever, pay wise, as an insurance agent this month. It’s an amazing feeling of accomplishment and what’s more exciting is that I have set a new bar for my future monthly paychecks. So grateful!”
Ana Saucedo
Ana Saucedo
Insurance Agent
“Of all the education and coaching I purchased this year, the program I did with Deborah was the one that really worked, that had an impact, that was effective and had the greatest value.”
Ken Crotts
“My work with Deborah led to actions that brought about healing to my body, and huge work leaps in my office, in sales and with my clients. I felt the freedom to uncover those things that seemed small but turned out to be instrumental to shifting my rate of success upward.”
Robin Root James
Robin Root James
Top 1% Realtor John L Scott, Bellevue
“Not only did I learn the tricks, techniques, hacks to changing; to changing who I am and what I do with my life and work, but also that I can exercise control over areas of my life. Now I know how to do that. I have more awareness, more clarity; I’m in touch with my inner power. I’ve come to know myself better, and that feels good.

I was hesitant to sign up because I thought it was going to be too much time, too much work. But it’s been such a great experience. I saw real benefits and I really looked forward to being with the mastermind each week. It helped me get more stuff done!”
Anne Cristaldi
Bridge Newsletter

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