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3 Reasons Listening Benefits You

It may seem obvious, that being a good listener would benefit a person who wanted to accomplish more, be regarded highly by others, influence others in helpful ways, or manage a team to achieve a larger vision; but I don’t think it is.

Focusing on the Benefits Helps Fuel Our Commitment to Practice

I find that most of us hesitate to study listening because true listening is one of those arts we are only aware of because of the contrast of its opposite. The Art of Listening, Conversation, and Speaking, are not taught growing up. They are not modeled in most families. So it takes an awareness of some pretty tempting benefits to overcome the fear of being vulnerable, of learning, or making mistakes that accompanies building our Listening muscles.

I hope this list will provide that. Let each sink into your awareness. Think of the ways you could use these benefits. Imagine them as super powers!

“Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force.
The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward.
When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand.”
Karl A. Menniger

Imagine yourself in possession of the super power to:

  1. Help others realize their dreams. Yes, I’m serious; people who know how to listen to others as capable, able, as powerful can support others in realizing current dreams and even those long forgotten.
  2. Facilitate solutions that others felt engaged with and so easily kept their agreements. Anyone reading this have a child who couldn’t remember to do what they agreed to? See? Super power!Imagine a world where a solution could be found for any situation simply because of the super power of a person who was a Listener for solutions? A definite super power.
  3. Provide a space for closeness & intimacy. How few of us every get to enjoy a truly intimate, loving, accepting space? It is a true gift. To give this to another feeds both parties. A treasure.

Additional Benefits

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;
courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

Winston Churchill

But this is just a very short (but powerful list). Here are a number of other benefits of employing the super power of Listening, that anyone may acquire simply be exercising the learning and practicing process.

I hope this list with inspire you, will encourage you, will ignite your own passion to become a listening artist! Write in the comments below and tell me what other benefits you would add to this list.

  • People develop
  • Do more “right”
  • Get well
  • Profitable
  • Fulfill dreams
  • Confidence
  • Capability
  • Ability
  • They pay attention to their own words; are more deliberate about what they say, what they mean, what they agree to, what effect their words have on themselves and others
  • Keeping agreements
  • Transformation
  • Empower others
  • Solutions; solution-driven
  • Innovation; new possibilities
  • Creativity
  • Broader information from which to pull
  • Fun, pleasure, entertainment, stimulation
  • Intimacy, connection, enjoyment
  • Emotional intelligence
  • More brain (right and left) power

For Additional Information on Listening

Check out my earlier posts here on Why We Don’t Listen and the Most Important Skills in Listening.

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