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Being Coach R&Arie Partnership

A Comforting Way to Welcome a Deeper Allowing of Abundance As You Welcome the Changing Energy of Fall

Fall can be such a vivid time of change; not just color and weather.

It’s easy to become swept up in the activities of fall and not even notice our quiet, inner cry for a moment alone.

Reeba Daniel, of R&Arie, and I want to help you have all you truly want and deserve in life. So we offer this quiet respite from the work-a-day world as our gift.

We hope you enjoy taking these few minutes for yourself.

May you return to the world refreshed and clear-eyed. When you’re ready to step back into the rush and tumble of your everyday life, may you remember that your greater good is here now!

Visit Reeba at and treat yourself, or someone you care for, to a sacred candle or adornment oil.

Press the symbol to the left of the vimeo logo, the one that looks like arrows pointing in four different directions to make the video fill your whole screen. Press “escape” on your computer to make the video “small” again. Enjoy with eyes open or closed; but surely open your heart. 🙂

2 thoughts on “A Comforting Way to Welcome a Deeper Allowing of Abundance As You Welcome the Changing Energy of Fall”

    1. Thank you Rhonda. I’m working on one for Winter; to use the dark and quiet to plant new seeds for what we next want. Looking forward to that one, too.

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