About Deborah Ivanoff
Master Business Coach & Mediator
If the average person encounters difficulties or setbacks on the way to achieving their goals, they may experience a spike in their stress levels, feelings of frustration, hopelessness or anger with themselves (and others); they may even wonder, what is wrong with me? They may want to give up, turn back or start over (and over again).
But when I experience setbacks and upsets on the road to my desires, I stay grounded and even encouraged.
Why don’t I respond as others typically do?
Because I understand how the process of change really works. I know that no one goes through significant changes without experiencing Resistance. And I know that there are ways to work with your Resistance instead of wearing yourself out, fighting against it, that helps you get what you want better and faster.
Unfortunately, if you don’t understand the true purpose of Resistance and work in a way that keeps you on your path, instead of sidetracked into an endless Resistance Cycle, you won’t avoid the inner-saboteur with the power to destroy the very things you love most.
I experienced this intimately and intensely during a long divorce, which created financial and emotional chaos with not only my ex-husband, but my kids.
I remember realizing that if I wanted to have a strong relationship with my children for years to come, the kind I’d always dreamed about, I’d have to build skills around navigating resistance and challenges, difficult emotions, and handling conflict. If I kept going on the same way I had been, I’d lose the people in my life that mattered most.
So I began a lifelong journey of mentorship and training to become a master of the change process, especially in high-stakes, emotional situations. As soon as I began to see the profound results in my own life, my improved relationships, my renewed sense of productivity, I knew I had to share this work with others.
I do this through private 1-1 coaching programs and by speaking to organizations interested in supporting positive change. Check out the links below to learn more.
In gratitude,

25+ Years Experience
Since 1999, I have been coaching high-level professionals and organizations to achieve the next-level of financial and creative success through coaching that addresses the #1 problem- “Resistance” in the form of what feels like Emotional Sabotage.
When you have the talent, the desire, the drive, and the vision but you aren’t achieving results, there is often nothing faster and more effective at getting to the root of the problem than strengthening your Emotional Flexibility and reconnection to the Guidance contained within the Resistance. This isn’t a “nice to have” or another skill on your resume, this is the lynchpin of all lasting, highly-effective businesses and relationships.
I often wonder what the world would be like if everyone, whether a parent, an entrepreneur, an employee or CEO knew that through Emotional Flexibility and tools to overcome Resistance, all good things could become possible?
If you knew that you had a proven process to work through challenging emotions and conflicts you used to avoid, and you could get all of that “negative” energy back, how much more could you innovate/earn/give?
Education / Skills
Ethical Coaching Collective
Certified Integrative Change Worker
Southern Oregon University
Certified Mediator, State of Oregon
Quantum Spirit International
Certified Coach
Master Level Coach
Certified Coaches Instructor for Quantum Spirit International
Teleclass International
Certified Telecourse Leader
Belford University
Masters in Spirituality
PhD in Life Coaching
Global Sciences Foundation
with Joe Vitale & Steve G. Jones
Law of Attraction Practitioner –
Advanced Certification
Certified LOA Wealth Practitioner
Certified Advanced LOA Wealth Practitioner
Universal Light Church
Being The Solution
Certified Being Coach
Certified Being Instructor
Current Studies
Integrative Change Work
Hypno-Psychedelic Facilitation
Trauma-Informed Coaching
Unshaming Work
Open-Focus Brain
Nonviolent Communication
Radical Forgiveness
Trance as Accelerated Learning Technique
Sedona Method
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)
Accelerated Learning Techniques
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Matrix Energentics
What People are Saying