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The Truth About How To Network To Get More Business

Networking is recommended by every business, marketing, and sales consultant. Most business people belong to at least one leads group, professional organization, or attend networking events on a regular basis.

And yet I’ve found that most people are just trying to “get through” the time they spend networking.

What Makes Networking So Hard For Us?

Meeting with groups of unfamiliar people is frightening. Even the most seasoned networker will admit to a case of nerves before he or she walks into a new event.

What’s the remedy?

If the problem is Fear then the cure is Confidence.

“What helps people, helps business”.
Leo Burnett

So How Do We Get the Cure?

In the instance of Networking, Confidence stems from several factors, as I see it.

  1. Identifying and learning how to grow confidence in a way that works for you.
  2. Your ability to experience a true connection with another person
  3. Practicing giving  without expectation and receiving without obligation.

Let’s look more closely at these:


The way to build confidence is to experience an appropriate challenge and succeed. This is what builds Confidence. Create a shortcut to confidence by remembering a time of confidence and enhancing the memory.

Focusing on True Connection

Good listening skills and curiosity open a door to trust and true connection. When there is true connection, the time spent with another is energizing, rather than exhausting. Instead of fear, we feel excited and inspired.

Giving Without Expectation, Receiving Without Obligation

“Always give without remembering, always receive without forgetting.”
William Barclay

Giving with an expectation that it will be “pay off” often backfires; resulting in disappointment and resentment.

I know the concept of “givers gain” is a popular idea. But true giving has two sides to that coin. Without accepting, no one is able to enjoy the gift of giving. Accepting; money, leads, connections, & compliments are all another way to give.

I like to think “give freely (when I can and feel good about it) and graciously receive (allow myself to accept without pushing away or resisting).

This helps tap me into the flow of good.

A Spirit of Learning and Practicing is Key

This week, I’ll be interviewing Mark Hiatt, Networking Expert, author of  Secret of Networking: At An Event, How To Eat Blowfish: And Other Relationship Building and Networking Tips and Tactics, and creator of Your Networking Universe, leads groups that are designed to help professionals form alliances and pass business leads quickly and easily.

I’ll be asking him some tough questions about how to network in a way that feeds your soul and gets you business. I want to help you leverage the time you spend making connections.

So Tell Me What You Want to Know

Post your thoughts and questions about networking below.

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