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3 Most Important Lessons Learned This Year

Lessons (L)Earned!

This was a year I stretched myself in my business and personal life. And guess what? I made a lot of mistakes.
I spent a lot of money. I spent a lot of time and energy. And believe me, I’m tempted to think I don’t have much to show for it.

“Make failure your teacher, not your undertaker.”
Zig Ziglar: American author, salesman, and motivational speaker

But if I take a step back and am honest with myself, I see that I traveled exactly where I needed to go to continue to my desired destination.

And the good news is, I got over a learning curve hump! Go me!

But it was more than just learning, again, the power of making mistakes. It was out of those very mistakes that two of my most powerful, new programs have been born. And that has brought me great joy and satisfaction.
Well worth the price of admission!

“One of the best predictors of ultimate success … isn’t natural talent or even industry expertise, but how you explain your failures and rejections.”
Daniel Pink

It Helps to Have Help

So, I want to sincerely thank those companions, mentors and cheerleaders that on my team. Because without you I may have given up at exactly the point where it was important for me to lean in further.

And that’s what got me to thinking about the power of support. I think we give the idea of “support” a lot of “lip service”. And I think I did too. But I want to put you on notice that I’m changing my tune.

Support isn’t hard to find. Good support, a bit more rare. And excellent support, very rare indeed!

And that has inspired me to make it a priority; both to nurture for myself. But also to aim to better supply for my clients. For the past 6 months, it’s what I’ve woken up thinking about in the morning, and what I’ve journaled about before I go to bed.

And because of that, when the seed of inspiration finally sprouted, it did so with a vengeance and my Manifesting Elite Support Program sprouted overnight.

Now I have a program that clients and students of more intensive programs can easily shift to when complete. Now they can continue to practice their tools with others. More fun, more ease, longer lasting results; I love that!

The Most Important Lesson

I shared with you how I realized (again) the power of making mistakes; learning and growth.

And I shared with you how I realized (again) the power of support; ease, effectiveness and help when the trail seems darkest.
And that brings me to the third thing I learned (again) this year; the power of releasing resistance.; in particular, the immense power of releasing what I resist most.

Because despite the evidence that the most successful people make the most mistakes, I still resisted making mistakes. And despite the evidence that the most successful people take advantage of supportive resources, I still tried to make it all on my own!

You too? So see, that’s where the realization came for the value of looking at what I resist most, and suspending that resistance, on the off chance that something could shift.

And shift it did.

That was Last Year

I learned about:

  • power of making mistakes
  • power of support
  • power of releasing the resistance I feel for the things I resist the most

Next year’s lessons are already speaking up and I’d love to invite you into that conversation.  I’ll be shining a spot light on the art of allowance and receiving; how can we put ourselves in a receiving state? How can we return to that almost childlike joy and positive expectancy we had before the adults told us it wasn’t right?

So I hope you’ll stay tuned and join in, with this journey? Write your comments below. I want to hear about your experiences. Tell me what were your 3 biggest ah-ha’s or life lessons this year?

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