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7 Reasons You Aren't Listening

Listening, It Don’t Come Easy… It’s harder and harder to listen these days. There’s more competing for our attention and this can cause a number of symptoms to engage, in an attempt to hold off the onslaught from those loud, bright, busy factions. And listening, true listening, contrary to popular notion, is work. Active listening

7 Reasons You Aren't Listening Read More »

How To Achieve Momentum

Arie came to me because he had fallen far behind his production goals for the year and couldn’t get any enthusiasm going to pick up the phone and try to get busy changing that state of affairs. He said, “part of me knows what I should do, even wants to do it, but then another

How To Achieve Momentum Read More »

Are you suffering from self-sabotage? Watch a short presentation to learn what to do about it.

Resistance Cycle™

Do you sometimes feel like you're the one getting in your way?

Join me for my upcoming webinar, "The Key To A Success Mindset: Silencing the Voice That Says You Can't", where I show you how to move more easily through big changes.

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