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Don’t Let Regret Poison Your Present

What’s Your Biggest Regret?

Strayer University hung a blackboard in New York City with the phrase “Write Your Biggest Regret ” at the top.

Would it surprise you to know that virtually every answer to that question included the same word? Can you guess the three letter word?


That’s right. Regret is all about what we remember NOT doing.

Notice I said, “remember”. That means we’re looking back into the past; we can’t be in the present.

It also means we’re not looking for possibility, potential, or what we CAN.

Regret keeps us stuck in the past looking at what was NOT.

How then do we shift to possibility? Participants grabbed erasers and helped “clean the slate”, literally.
And from that blank slate, came the invitation to “DO what you’ll regret NOT doing”.

Yes, this is inspiring. Yes, recommitting to living your life, not from foolish fears, but from possibility is uplifting.

But how does this work, really? Tomorrow morning when you’re back in your life, doing the same actions, how do you meet Life fresh and create the changes you want?

How can you look back at the end of 2016 and say, “I have no regrets”?

I have the answer to that and I’ll be diving into this in a live, interactive webinar this coming Thursday morning at 10 am PST.

How To Actually Finish 2016 With No Regrets!
Make 2016 a Year You Look Back on With Pride!

I’d love to have you there live. I’m including a process you can customize to help you shift so this year, you can look back with pride…and no regrets!

Come join me by registering here: (THIS EVENT IS PAST)
Enjoy the video below. Then come learn the nuts and bolts with me next week:

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