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The Power Of The Attitude Of Gratitude

3 Ways to Use the Energy of Gratitude to Amplify Abundance

“What are you grateful for right now?
Gratitude can shift your energy, raise your vibration,
and make all your next moments even better.”
Joe Vitale, author of the Attractor Factor

What do you find is the hardest part of manifesting?

  • Getting Clarity?
  • Getting into Action?
  • Keeping what you manifest?

If any of these areas prove a problem, one of the best and easiest cures is simply this; connect in to what you are grateful for, what you like, what is working, what you appreciate.

When you do so, several things happen.

You change your focus to what it is you do want, and are receiving. Just by the act of looking for it, you change how much of that (what you want) you experience. You get more of what you’re looking for.

Your energy shifts to feel better, more hopeful, more willing for something new.

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
W.B. Yeats

Your mind shifts in the direction of what is possible, and away from what is not working.

That’s Great! But How Do I Shift?

What makes shifting the easiest and fastest is looking for what you do want. The more you practice, the more automatic it becomes.

But what if it’s not automatic yet? Well, practicing awareness is key. Notice when you are not satisfied. If you can notice that moment when you feel “bad”, you have at that very moment, an opportunity to pivot to another experience.

I’ve outlined three of the values of Gratitude, so why not use your choice point to pivot to Gratitude? This then, adds to your practice which adds to building an automatic response.

Try this…

1. Notice something right this moment that’s in your life in abundance. It could be books in your own home, or even the library. It could be grains of sand on a beach, stars in the sky, roadways available for anyone to use. Just take a moment to  consciously  appreciate that you didn’t have to personally make that available, and yet it is yours to use.

“To burn always with this hard gemlike flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.”
Walter Pater

2. Now think of something you’ve always had an abundance of that might be unique to you. Maybe you have an abundance of friends (not everyone does). Maybe you have an abundance of recipes (not everyone does). Perhaps you have an abundance of patience with younger people under the age of 9 (not everyone does). Right now, say an inner thank you for the quality or qualities that come easily and in abundance to you.

3. Finally, and this may be a stretch but give it a go; imagine what must shift, change, unlock, grow, expand, or be discovered for you to enjoy your next goal. Imagine that you could both have what you want and look back to see the journey to get it. See if you can’t FEEL an anticipation of the fulfillment of that manifestation. Can you FEEL a gratitude for the opportunity to expand yourself and get the thing?

Want It Fast and Easy?

Fastest, easiest way to get anything is to tap into the gratitude of the adventure of getting it.

Remember, it’s not just about the actions you take, but about the transformation you experience. You become the person who has earned that manifestation. So CELEBRATE that transformational journey, even while right in the midst of the adventure and you become a powerful magnet to pull it to you.

“Ecstasy is orchestrating the body, into a beautiful song, that sings the praises of the heart and soul.”
Jaeda DeWalt

Have you had an experience with Gratitude that you’d like to share? Please comment below.

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