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Making Decisions

What You Need to Know About How To Make the Most Powerful Decisions

Let me share a recipe for making effective and powerful decisions. The recipe is built on understanding why we struggle with making decisions, exploring the strategies for decision-making, and discussing the pitfalls to avoid.

Why Do We Struggle with Making Decisions?

Fear is the primary reason we struggle with making decisions. It stems from our fear of change, making mistakes, and facing the consequences of our decisions. Humans often fear change because it disrupts the status quo and requires us to adapt to new situations.

Strategies for Decision-Making: Logic, Intuition, and Inspiration

There are three essential strategies for decision-making: logic & reason, intuition, and inspiration. These strategies are not mutually exclusive, and combining them can lead to more effective decisions.

  1. Logic and Reason: this approach involves using facts, considering the pros and cons, seeking expert advice, and modeling successful experiences. It provides a rational and structured approach to decision-making.

  2. Intuition is the ability to understand situations without relying on conscious reasoning. It can be a “gut feeling” or an inner sense/sensation (found in another area of the body) that can guide decision-making.

  3. Inspiration stems from the creative process, which can lead to new possibilities and innovation. It is often linked to a sense of flow or being in a state of creativity.

Pitfalls to Avoid: Fear and Reaction

Fear and (Over) Reaction are common pitfalls to avoid when making decisions. Reactions can stem from past experiences and memories, leading to knee-jerk decisions that may not be in your best interest. Beware the Resistance Cycle™ which can show up at any time.

The Cure: Moving into a New Mind

Moving into a new, curious, or beginner’s mind can be most helpful when making decisions. This new mind is not limited by our biases, fears, or past experiences. It allows us to approach situations with a fresh perspective and create new possibilities.

I suggest:

  1. Know What You Want: Be clear about what you want to achieve and what you’re aiming for.

  2. Know Thyself: Understand how you make decisions and what processes work best for you.

  3. Get Neutral: Release your attachments to the situation and focus on finding a solution that works for all parties involved.

  4. Log Your Results: Record your decisions and outcomes to reflect on and improve your decision-making process over time.

Creating Your Own Decision-Making Formula

I encourage experimentation and self-reflection to create a unique decision-making formula that suits your needs. This formula will evolve as you grow and learn from your experiences.

By combining logic, intuition, and inspiration with a willingness to experiment and learn from mistakes and successes, you can fine-tune your own powerful decision-making process that empowers you to make effective and ideal choices.

Check out this video I did on the topic for the Foundrs debut several years ago!

Let me know how you’re doing and what you find the hardest and the most useful in the direction of easing through the decisions of life and your Resistance Cycle™ in the comments below.

Comments are always celebrated! Comment below or email me at to share.

Photo from
Photographer, Vladislav Babienko

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