
4 Step Process To Manifest Anything You Want

I’ve found that manifesting works a little differently for each person. This can really trip people up because, wanting to create for themselves, they diligently study from someone who has created as they would like. But then it doesn’t work. If that sounds like you, it’s not your fault. You aren’t doing anything wrong. You just need to tweak the overall process to match “you”

4 Step Process To Manifest Anything You Want Read More »

3 Ways To Make Worry Helpful

most of us were actually taught to worry, as if that was a useful thing; as if that was the next step in what you needed to do to get what you wanted. We were usually taught this by our parents. But it could have come from someone else close to us, someone we didn’t know we were watching and learning from. But then, we grew up.

3 Ways To Make Worry Helpful Read More »

Are you suffering from self-sabotage? Watch a short presentation to learn what to do about it.

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